After having committed to the Dallas Spartan in October, I needed to start the training. Luckily, there is a Ninja Gym close to where I live.
The first session was an extreme challenge. The only ‘success’ was getting up the shortest curved wall (I believe it’s 8ft). The ‘challenges’ included almost falling off the cargo net, multiple slips off of the bars and an ‘interesting’ attempt in the plexiglass wall.
The second visit a couple of weeks later went better. I was able to make some progress on the bars and balance beam, along with getting up the wall again.
I will be working on building sandbag weights to train for the carries in the near future. I may also look at doing some Crossfit as part of the prep. We’ll see how things have improved when we’re there next.
I’m extremely grateful to Jesse and all of the staff at Ultimate Ninjas Naperville for all of their help and support as I do the training with a guide.