The Dare2Tri Effect – 2.5.16


During the swim on Wednesday, Coach Seay told us that we’d be doing the CSS testing on Friday. While I’ve had to cut back to once a week, I knew I had to be there for that (for many reasons).

As a quick summary for those of you who haven’t been following the blog — I started swimming seriously again last March, and Terri helped me to go from zero to success in the water. So I cam into the swim sessions in December with a good base.

Two months of practice, drills and endurance swims later, it was time to see where things were at. After the warm ups, we did the 400 and then 200. While I’m still going out too fast (as I am in run as well), the overall 400 time was 12:09. The last timed 400 that I had was from Naperville (8/2/15) at 17:15.

And while there’s still much more work to be done, cutting 5+ minutes off in the pool is huge. Seeing that makes the 3:30AM wake ups a little easier to bear, as I know the effort is paying off!

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