Bubble Burst – 5/21/17

As a Cubs fan for a long time, the slogan has been ‘wait until next year’. It eventually happened for the Cubs this past year after 108. I know it won’t take that long for me to push to the next level; if just has to be a ‘next year’ view.

Even though I won’t get to race in the Nationals wave, I will still be at Nationals (PC Open). That’s a step in the right direction and towards that goal. And it’s better than where I was at for last PT Nationals. Since it was in Santa Cruz, I couldn’t even race PC Open due to it being cost prohibitive.

With the qualifying changes, this race was my last chance to qualify for 2017 PT Nationals. Unfortunately, it went as bad as it could have. Between losing time on wall turns, gear issues/torn pavement slowing us down on the bike and my lower back becoming one huge pretzel knot on the run, it was a loss. I think I was over qualifying time by the time we were ½ a mile into the run.

Disappointing to say the least, but it could have been worse. As I mentioned in one of my previous blogs, I almost didn’t have this chance. Thanks to an amazing guide that stepped up in the 11th hour, I was able to get there and race. While I am disappointed in not qualifying, I would have been even more so if I had not had the chance.

This is just the first outdoor race of the season. I am focusing on rocking the PC Open wave and towards qualifying for 2018 PT Nationals (among other things). If you’re at Pleasant Prairie, feel free to stop by and say hi.

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