During the Welcome 2 Running camp, we were told about an AWD (Athletes with Disabilities) initative that Spartan was focusing on. While I had never done an Obstacle Course Race (OCR), I decided why not? I mean, to this point all of the ‘comfortably uncomfortable’ things that I’ve done with or through Team Catapult have worked out well. So I believed that this would as well.
My first Spartan Sprint will be in Dallas in the fall of 2023. While I am a bit concerned about it (mostly in regards to finding the right handholds / other supports on the climbing obstacles), I’m also excited about it. We’ll see how things go as I start the training… And yes, the contingency plans (meaning updated will and medical POA) are in place…
I am extremely grateful to Joe De Sena for putting this program together and Dan McDonald for helping with everything logistical so far. Hopefully I’ll know more in August 2023 about potential adaptations once the RDs are in place.